Home Fashion Belgian collector sues son for shooting wife dead

Belgian collector sues son for shooting wife dead

by godlove4241
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Art collector and heir to billionaire sugar giant Guy Ullens filed a complaint against his son, Nicolas Ullens, for the shooting murder of his second wife and the stepmother of Nicolas, 70 collector and philanthropist Myriam Ullens. On March 29, Nicolas fired six bullets to Myriam’s car outside her home in Lasne, Belgium, killing her and injuring Guy’s leg, before turning himself in to authorities the following day. News of the trial was first reported by Belgian media From Standard.

Nicholas admitted firing the gun, stating that there was an ongoing dispute regarding the structure of the Ullens’ inheritance that Myriam allegedly interfered with. Nicolas’ sister, Brigitte Ullens, supported him in an interview with From Standard two days after the incident, saying the Ullens family “had been ravaged for years” and that Myriam wanted to keep Guy’s fortune to herself.

“She even forbade dad to keep in touch with us,” Brigitte continued. “In recent years, Dad’s mental state has deteriorated and she has taken advantage of it.”

Brigitte claims that everything came to a head on the day of filming when it was revealed that Myriam had put the family villa up for sale. “What was she going to do with that money?” I don’t know, but I guess she would keep it to herself,” Brigitte said. From Standardcalling Nicholas a “very nice man” who had just become a grandfather.

Guy was treated in a hospital for his leg injuries and was discharged promptly. He filed a civil action against Nicolas with the Belgian lawyer Nathalie Buisseret. Buisseret did not immediately respond to Hyperallergic request for comment and declined to comment specifically on the matter to other news outlets, but confirmed From Standard that Guy is physically on the mend “given the circumstances”.

Guy has been an avid art collector since the 1960s, with a wide selection of art and antiques from China due to his business connections in the country. Guy met Myriam in 1991 and the couple married eight years later in 1999. In 2007, through their joint foundation, Guy and Myriam opened the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, China, which has since expanded to a three-building campus with over one million visitors a year.

Nicolas, detained since taking office, appeared for a brief hearing in the Nivelles city court on April 3 and was ordered to remain in custody for another month. Nicolas’ lawyers did not contest this decision.

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