Home Museums Caitlin Murray at the head of the Chinati Foundation

Caitlin Murray at the head of the Chinati Foundation

by godlove4241
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On March 10, Caitlin Murray was named the next executive director of the Chinati Foundation, the museum in Marfa, Texas, founded by renowned minimal artist Donald Judd. She succeeds Jenny Moore, who led the foundation for nearly a decade before leaving last summer to become the first director of Bozeman, Montana’s Tinworks. Murray, who arrives from the Judd Foundation in New York, which she has directed since 2008, will take up her post in mid-May.

“The mission of the museum is to continue to implement and preserve Donald Judd’s vision for art, landscape and architecture in Marfa,” said Mack Fowler and Annabelle Selldorf, chairman and co-chairman of the board, respectively. administration of the Chinati Foundation, in a press release. “We believe Murray will fulfill this mission with excellence, passion and enthusiasm. We’re also confident that Murray’s leadership will continue to enhance audiences’ experiences with Judd at Marfa.

While at the Judd Foundation, Murray oversaw the organization of the Judd Archives: the two-year project is expected to be completed this fall. She was co-editor of the crucial collections Donald Judd: Writings (2016) and Donald Judd: Interviews (2019). Among the shows she has hosted at the artist’s former residence and studio at 101 Spring Street are those featuring the work of Alvar Alto, John Chamberlain, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Yayoi Kusama, Richard Long, David Novros, James Rosenquist, Lauretta Vinciarelli and Meg Webster, as well as that of Judd.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to deepen my commitment to Donald Judd’s legacy at the Chinati Foundation and to lead this extraordinary artist-founded, artist-centered organization,” Murray said in a statement. “Working with Flavin and Rainer Judd and the Judd Foundation Board and Staff over the past fifteen years has given me the opportunity to understand Judd’s range as an artist, and his commitment to the art, architecture, design, politics and the natural world.As Executive Director, I look forward to working with a group of friends and supporters who share my commitment to the future of Chinati.


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