In the Ría de Vigo estuary in northwestern Spain, the cooperative of archaeologists Arbore Arqueoloxie unearthed a six-inch stone penis which they believe was used to sharpen weapons. Although archaeologists frequently find phallic objects at ancient Roman and Celtic sites, the collective’s discovery marks a relatively rarer example of a penis artifact discovered in a medieval European context.

The team found the artifact in rubble near Torre de Meira, a 14th-century tower that was destroyed in 1476 during the Peninsular War. Irmandino’s War. Frustrated by the oppressive feudal system, peasants and other citizens revolted against the ruling nobility. About 130 castles, towers and other fortresses were destroy.

The object is rare in its medieval context but was common in ancient Rome.

“It materializes the symbolic association between violence, weapons and masculinity,” said archaeologist Darío Peña. Hyperallergic. “An association which we know existed in the Middle Ages and which is present in our culture today.

Peña explained that although whetstones are commonly found in medieval sites, these artifacts tend to take other forms. Archaeologists discerned the object’s use by noticing a wear pattern on one side of the stone.

They can’t be entirely sure of the cultural significance of the object, but the team believe its location near the ransacked tower might offer a clue.

Ría de Vigo has a long history of human settlement and important archaeological finds. Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age works have been discovered there, and a ancient roman villa and sea salt factory survive to this day.

While medieval European penis artifacts remain rare, a multitude of ancient Roman artifacts carved, painted, and engraved phalluses have been discovered in recent years. In February, even historians identified what could have been an ancient roman dildo. In some of the finds, pictures of penises appear to have been used as derogatory blows (an example of graffiti was accompanied by the words “Secundinus, the shit”), but the symbol was also thought to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.

The ruins of Torre de Meira

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