The number of Americans who flocked to London last weekend to attend the coronation of King Charles III was so high that it was expected that they outspend Brits on hotel rooms. “In America we don’t have that kind of stuff,” said an American who had camped out in the street the night before to watch the royal procession. BNC News. But, we all agree that the crowning of an American king would be a bad idea…right?
Only 12% of Americans believe that the establishment of a monarchy in the United States would be “a good thing”. An astonishing 40%, however, leaked in a 2022 investigation that “having a strong leader for America is more important than having a democracy”. How many have responded thus after succumbing to the quiet power of authoritarian aesthetic?

It’s an age-old tradition for authoritarian rulers to use enchanting theatrical designs to trick people into believing they are legitimate rulers. Those who tried to disrupt that aesthetic received quick ‘justice’ this weekend when over 50 peaceful protesters were arrested in London before the coronation. Meanwhile, the man who seemed bored while donning golden robes and riding off in a golden chariot, he inherited control of assets worth at least $46 billion. But because his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, held accounts overseas, the sum total of the family’s incredible wealth is unknown to the public. Their billions didn’t pay for the coronation – the British public footed the bill for a “lite” celebration that still cost over $100 million. And the cost of goods to usher in the new king is in progress : over $400 million are estimated to be spent on imprinting stamps and coins with his face. Meanwhile, the country plunges deeper into a cost-of-living crisis that has left millions of food insecure people.

Columnist Polly Toynbee Underline many of the UK’s alarming ‘failures’ in not having an elected President and in ‘handing over all royal prerogatives to the Prime Minister without checks and balances’. Writer and activist Tariq Ali made this clear in a ICT Tac for Verso Books, saying that the monarchy is “used largely as a charade and a spectacle, even though it is not. It is kept there because changing it would mean a Written constitution and a more democratic Britain.
So why do 58% of the British would support a monarchy that would drain them of their economic and political power?
The answer could actually be quite simple: it really is, very attractive.
I can completely understand why many are fascinated by the pageantry that has been crafted over millennia to inspire the greatest possible national pride. It’s an eerie and moving performance, with just the right amount of familiarity and mystery. There is a parade of sparkly items for the king to touch, including gold spurs symbolizing honor and courage, the “bangles of sincerity and wisdom”, and a 12th century coronation spoon used to anoint the king behind a beautifully embroidered screen. And who can forget the fate stone?
The monarchy derives its credibility from aesthetics. Much more than her son, Queen Elizabeth was a master in the art of using imagery as a shield. Donning her signature monochrome neon outfits, the Queen famous said that if she wore beige, no one would know who she was. Take away the crowns, thrones and tons of pomp and what would remain of the monarchy? Unbalanced power, left bare for all to see.
The seductive royal aesthetic is so dazzling that it overshadows the harsh reality of its increasingly authoritarian system. “Monarchy is a feudalism of the imagination, which endorses inheritance, inequality and privilege, all on the rise at this time”, writing Toynbee.
While the number of Americans who share a favorable view of King Charles is nearly equal to those who don’t (39% vs. 40% respectively), many are still carried away by the expert storytelling and dramatization of the royal family. Some who traveled to London for the event said City and countryside that they “just love the pomp and pageantry of it all” and that the performance brought “tears of joy”. That’s perhaps fueled by growing up in a Disney-steeped empire, where crafting fairy tale endings drives a multi-billion dollar industry. I could not help noticing that some participants headdresses looked a bit like Mickey Mouse ears.

But it’s bigger than Disney adults. The maximalist, ornamental and Eurocentric aesthetic has seen a resurgence over the past year. THE #RoyalCore the hashtag alone now has over 500 million views on TikTok. This is facilitated by the gargantuan phenomenon of royal-inspired TV shows such as Netflix Bridgerton And The crown. Other “kernels” abound in the nebulous world of internet #aesthetics, where all things vaguely “old world” and “ornamental” merge: Gothic, Golden ageand even Catholic the cores rear their heads dazzled, pushing to dethrone the worn minimalist aesthetic that dominated the 2010s. The Kardashians seemed to get it, presenting a bizarre Thanksgiving table in 2022 that included portraits of each of them as members of the royal family themselves.
After singing in an Episcopal Church choir, avidly touring Gothic buildings, and watching every new Disney release myself, I get the call. It is designed to make us believe in magic. But the danger lies in exactly the kind of fairy tale we allow ourselves to indulge in.
The popularity of the monarchy aesthetic can easily slip into a romanticized notion of what it means to submit to an all-powerful ruler. The aforementioned survey that found 40% of Americans prefer a “strong leader” to a democracy as well reported 41.2% agreed that “In America, native-born whites are being replaced by immigrants.” This is just one of a handful of studies. reports This indicate to a growing percentage of the American population who dream of right-wing authoritarian rule.
The Monarchy is only as compelling as its main character, and Charles is far less popular than his mother on both sides of the Atlantic. Around 11 million Americans watched his coronation. On the other side of the pond, 20 million Britons tuned in as 29 million people watched the Queen’s funeral. Charles’ lack of popularity maybe already leading to a more realistic impression of the inequalities of the monarchy. Now might be the perfect time to overthrow a king.