Much of the art world revolves around questions of value, not only in terms of appraisals and price tags, but also: what is worth your time in These Times, as well as your energy? , your attention and, yes, your hard-earned money?
What calculations do you make to determine the meaning and value of something? What moves you? What enriches your life? In this new series, we ask individuals from the art world and beyond about the assessments they make on a personal level.
Gallery owner and collector Christina Di Donna wants to celebrate art on a daily basis.
Di Donna is the co-founder of Di Donna Galleries, a Madison Avenue gallery known for its high-caliber showcases of surreal and modern works. She also directs Selavy by Di Donnaa unique art and design salon in Southampton that she launched with her husband Emmanuel in 2020. At Sélavy, Di Donna takes an inspired approach, filling the salon-like exhibition space with aan expected mix of styles across the ages that plays with and demystifies how collectors can live with art. Sélavy takes its name from Marcel Duchamp’s iconic Dadaist alter ego Rrose Sélavy, a phonetic play on French words eros is life.
With Di Donna Galleries, she takes a close interest in the lives of historical artists and the communities that fostered their creative experimentation. Currently on view at the gallery is “Man Ray’s Paris Portraits 1921–1939” (until June 3), an exhibition curated in conjunction with private dealer and Man Ray expert Timothy Baum. The richly illustrated selection of portraits presents the inner circle of the surrealist photographer. “Man Ray’s portraits always capture something personal about the sitter and this pantheon of personalities, poets, artists, intellectuals and socialites alike perfectly captures the spirit of that era,” she said. declared. His favorite photographs in the exhibition are of Alice Rahon, an under-recognized surrealist painter who was active in Mexico alongside Frida Kahlo, Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington. “His portraits manage to capture both his beauty and his creative spirit,” she explained.
At home in the Hamptons, Di Donna covets the rare opportunity of a slow Sunday morning, reading a newspaper with coffee in bed. The couple’s home is also full of beloved works of art, including his treasured Lalanne sculptures acquired decades ago, as well as a new purchase – three outdoor sculptures by Alicja Kwade. Recently, we spoke with Di Donna about what she values about art and life and why.

Sélavy by Di Donna Interior, Southampton. Photo: Jacob Snowly. Courtesy Sélavy by Di Donna / Di Donna Galleries.
What’s the last thing you splurged on?
We recently splurged on a set of three outdoor sculptures for our home by artist Alicja Kwade. I love his work!
What are you saving for?
Most of my savings go straight into my art collection, but I’ve always dreamed of owning a Cindy Sherman Film scene. She is one of my favorite artists and I think the stills from the film are just magical. This is definitely a missing piece from our collection.
What would you buy if you found $100?
I would probably buy lunch for someone else, someone who needed it more than me.
What makes you feel like a million bucks?
Sleeping in on a Sunday! Have my coffee in bed while I read the news. These days it looks like total luxury!
What do you think is your greatest asset?
The ability to change my mind. I’ve become less stubborn as I got older and my mind is more open to other perspectives.

Emmanuel and Christina DiDonna. Courtesy of Christina Di Donna.
What do you appreciate most in a work of art?
How it makes me feel when I stand in front of it. If it doesn’t excite me somehow, then it really has no value to me personally.
Who is an artist worthy of everyone’s attention?
I’m a big fan of female artists, and that’s the core of my collection. There are a lot of women I’m watching right now that I think everyone should be watching too: Hayal Pozanti, Tara Donovan, Alicja Kwade, Eileen Quinlan and Loie Hollowell.
Who is an unknown artist who has not yet received his due?
Probably Dorothea Tanning, an amazing surrealist who was every bit as original as her male peers.

Mouton Lalanne at Christina and Emmanuel Di Donna. Courtesy of Christina Di Donna.
What do you think is the most overrated thing in the art world?
Popularity and recognizability.
What is your most valuable asset?
My marriage, I know it’s a privilege to have a working marriage of love. It’s definitely something I want to take care of and protect. I wouldn’t be the person I am without my husband Emmanuel. We grow together, we raise our children together, we create together. It’s an incredible partnership.
What was your best investment?
Some Lalanne sculptures that we acquired 15 or 20 years ago. I love living with them.
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