Home Arts how German museums should reduce their carbon footprint

how German museums should reduce their carbon footprint

by godlove4241
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The German Museum Association has published guidelines for climate protection and called on political leaders to provide financial support to museums seeking to modernize buildings and energy systems and switch to environmentally friendly logistics.

The guidelines, written by a working group of 70 museum experts and funded by the Ministry of Culture, were hailed by Culture Minister Claudia Roth as “an important step towards reducing CO2 emissions in museums Germans”.

In a statement, the Ministry of Culture said: “As places of education and discussion, museums have a considerable social responsibility in the areas of sustainability and climate protection. But in their daily work, museums also leave a considerable ecological footprint.

Practical proposals

The guidelines include practical suggestions such as how to calculate a museum’s climate footprint and create a plan to reduce energy consumption. Museums should seek to reduce their CO2 emissions measurably each year and aim for climate neutrality by 2045, according to the guidelines.

The document includes a set of minimum standards. These include turning off all technical equipment when not in use, using passive air conditioning methods where possible, adopting less stringent climate controls for more robust objects, focusing on vegetarian and vegan options in museum cafes, ensuring contractors use recyclable materials, avoiding domestic staff flights and minimizing courier deliveries.

Acquisitions and expansion

Any expansion or complete renovation project must seek to avoid the consumption of fossil fuels. And the report also recommends curators consider the resources any new acquisitions will require and include those calculations in their decision-making.

The report aims to “ensure that museums can continue to produce the highest quality work while adapting to the climate”, says the Museum Association. He warns, however, that this will require considerable resources and political support, particularly when it comes to new buildings and renovations.

“Museums need committed staff, flexibility and appropriate financial means”, specifies the association. “The necessary resources must be provided urgently. Political support is essential.

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