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Louis Osmosis quickly became one of the scene’s most beloved young artists, earning him a solo show at Caio Twombly’s bustling new gallery, Amanita—and of course, a place about me and Gutes Guterman’s art world list of singles.
If you’re unfamiliar with Osmosis, the 26-year-old is a born and bred New Yorker whose innovative take on sound art drew one of the biggest crowds to an opening I’ve seen in a long time. Instead of letting me buzz about it, why not take a look at its opening from its own perspective?
And so, without further ado, here is Louis…

Two Chinese maniacs – one perched while the other searches for (his cigars). They are also known as my father and my fake uncle. They came beyond the clutch, using their obscure methods of dirty, rugged work to help set up my awning (entitled John?!). My exhibit, “Recording Artists,” was due to open at Amanita in three days and that was the room that worried me the most, for obvious reasons.

Me, greeting my dumb colleague Billy and Infinity Stone from one person, Jacob Hyman. He’s a very charming guy with nice facial hair.

Back at the cradle, that’s usually where I lay my head and look at my soaps. Murakami pillow, Bape head pillow, Baby Milo banana pillow, Kidrobot hoodie AND the small Opening Ceremony tote next to a hole in my wall bursting at the seams with wires presumably under tension ?????? Alexa, play “On GP” by Death Grips…

The war is raging. The demons persist. The death drive keeps calling me. My feet have built muscle memory for the trenches. Agnes Questionmark, an absolute and sick lover of a performer, intervened during the installation. Me and Jacob looked into the lighting situation here. Somewhere between Dogville meets Danish lunatic asylum meets Doodlebob’s version of panoptic lighting.

We had Angelo, a vinyl application maestro, cut a hole in the blackout film that had been pasted over the windows for the shows. It’s me who spends my little moment Pope.L. Here I am, overjoyed at the silly new line of sight.

From left to right: Dario Lasagni, Jacob, Tommaso and Linda forward. Right after we finished making installation plans, thanks to the crazy skills of Dario. And the guy is a fucking asshole. Dinner was coming soon…

Left to right: LA Vandyke, Jacob Hyman, Tommasso R. Suckert, Melanie Courbet, Linda Spagnolo, Garrett Goldsmith + BFFL’s/forces of nature Devlin Claro (out of frame but will appear soon) and Laszlo Horvath at Via Della Poce. Huge al dente vibes. When asked if I preferred red or white, I responded by saying, “I’m a…uh…white…myself, thank you very much. Teehee.

Laszlo and Devlin whispering the sweetest nothings to me.

Needing uninstalled adjoining vibes, we headed to Fiction Bar in Brooklyn to see my friend Emmett Sher absolutely shred the jazz. Art/Jazz Pipeline – I was becoming a cliché LaGuardia walking before my eyes and loving every minute of it. Beepity boopity shwee doop dop boop bwee…yeah!!

At this point, I was so exhausted from the week that I quietly forgot to take pictures during the day, but shit, right? Boom, the following night: my blood sister Josie Claro Resetar on the left and the inimitable love of my life Daniel Kapp from the Kapp Kapp team/gang/gallery on the right! My go-to is a gin martini with a twist. Buy me one if you see me. I will also keep control of where we are… oops!

A wild Blake Oetting and Thomas Blair appear! Louis and Daniel use Embrace!… It’s super effective! Blake and Thomas use Symposium! That’s a critical hit!… Incredible fucking gang right here.

The following night: the death drive was EXTREMELY activated. I just had no choice but to take my sorry ass to Manero. Laszlo again…smfh. Joined by 2 of my favorite threats Max Kapelowitz and Aria Dean. Max engaging me in a battle of sensual gazes. Aria, clearly deep in thought about her next plan to attack civilization. Really, a great group here <3

“No it’s Patrick!”

Checking out the fit for the “recording artists” opening at Amanita: CDG frilly shirt (Christmas gift from Sammy and Daniel Kapp, one of the nicest things I’ve ever been given), my usual jacket, my mother’s old D&G glasses and some KAWS-type Contacts. I like to wear contact lenses for my openings because some people find it hard to look at me, to which I respond with: Hey…eyes up here. The laughs ensue and everyone wins! Also, this photo definitely gets a message on the grid.

Pizza party after everyone has left! The after party was at Paul’s Casablanca, where I danced like I had never danced before. Thought I lost my camera, so no pics :(, but found it later! 360s and ruggedness were in abundance, I can assure you. The way people stop at Paul’s looks like time-lapse videos of bacteria colonies in petri dishes.

These beauties and bearers of my heart: (left to right) Sebastian Eising, Izzy and Leo Flores outside Parkside for impromptu Parkside after-parties. Another love and menace, Quinn Schoen, was living her absolute best life indoors. I then slept for 12 hours and watched SVU. I’ll end on a high note with a shameless but deserved shoutout: “Recording Artists” is until May 7 at Amanita—do like Pampers and stop! XOXO.
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