Home Fashion Prince Harry to star in new Van Gogh biopic

Prince Harry to star in new Van Gogh biopic

by godlove4241
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A film from the upcoming biopic starring Prince Harry as a pensive van Gogh (image via Midjourney)

In a casting decision that is sure to make waves across Hollywood, representatives for Prince Harry have confirmed that he will play Vincent van Gogh in an upcoming biopic about the infamous painter. It now seems clear that the ex-royal is not just determined to follow his wife, Meghan Markle, away from life in the British monarchy, but into her former profession as an actress.

“Prince Harry is delighted with this opportunity to raise awareness about mental health issues,” said his talent agent, Guy Guyerson. “He identifies with Vincent van Gogh in many ways.”

Following the announcement, Prince Harry made a surprise visit to the Oprah Winfrey Show to further elucidate his connection to the famous Dutch painter, famous for his troubles.

“On the one hand, we’re both redheads,” he said, “which is a burden not to be underestimated.” Prince Harry also said he was also “tortured” and that his paintings “don’t quite look like they’re supposed to”. He has expressed concerns about still having both ears, but he feels that with enough acting prowess, he can overcome this hurdle.

“Or…they won’t cut it, will they?” he asked Oprah. “They won’t cut it, will they?” »

The prince added that he had visited Immersive Van Gogh exhibitions in 25 different cities to prepare for the role. He also plans to go see some of the actual paintings, at some point, though he currently feels that immersive exhibits “serve his process better.”

From a childhood in the royal spotlight to bestselling author, and now actor, is there anything this daring redhead won’t try?

“I can’t say more at the moment,” said Prince Harry, smiling mysteriously, “But I think EGOT.”

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