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Required reading

by godlove4241
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  • AI news anchors have been unveiled in Kuwait, ChinaAnd India. German public broadcaster DW has the story of India Today’s new AI news anchor (has anyone else noticed how light-skinned they all are?) debuted last year:

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Ever since Asian American activists rallied the community to sell screenings of “Better Luck Tomorrow” in 2003, that sentiment has turned into a moral imperative to show up for all things Asian American. If we don’t make money from these movies, logic goes, Hollywood will stop caring about us. But last week that familiar pattern took a disastrous turn with the release of “Beef,” a new Netflix series led by Asian Americans that threw cold water on the collective goodwill that drove the Asian American media activism so far.

Released April 6 and currently headlining Netflix’s library, “Beef” is a comedy, but also an informal ethnography of Asian Americans in Southern California, tracing its characters’ faulty attempts to hunt the fulfillment and success. It’s a nuanced, well-produced take that speaks directly to an Asian American audience, and Netflix has targeted it heavily at that audience in its promotion. But its release was greeted with a viral tweet from writer Aura Bogado that resurfaced a 2014 podcast in which one of the key players, famed graffiti artist and dirty bag professional David Choe, recounted raping a black masseuse . He later brought it back as an attempt at shock humor. At best, it was a disgusting joke about a fictional situation; at worst, it was a potential crime.

Hoover, who is currently chair of the society and environment division and an associate professor in the department of environmental science, policy and management, had previously claimed Mohawk and Mi’kmaq descent.

“I always presented myself as the person my parents raised me to be – someone of mixed Mohawk, Mi’kmaq, French, English, Irish and German ancestry and identity,” Hoover said in the communicated. “My identity within the Indigenous community, rooted in my family history, is something that has shaped my entire life, even though I was not eligible for tribal enrollment due to quantum blood requirements. .”

In her statement, Hoover also noted that she had come to the conclusion that she could not claim Indigenous descent after conducting genealogical research in response to recent questions about her identity, which she said she had was alerted for the first time when a draft “suitor” list circulated. About a year ago.

Hoover said the news left her and her family “shocked and confused”.

Launched in 1962, Kokuho Rose was developed by Koda Farms in conjunction with rice breeder Arthur Hughes Williams. The heirloom variety, Koda said, crossed Californian medium-grain rice with Middle Eastern long-grain rice to create a new, higher-quality medium-grain offering.

Koda said Kokuho Rose was dreamed up by his grandfather, Keisaburo Koda, who founded the San Joaquin Valley farm in 1928, as table rice. The strain, she said, “wasn’t developed specifically to be sushi rice – it’s just the application that [Mutual Trading] the saw was useful to them.

The rice was a revelation: Until the invention of this medium-grain strain, what was available for making sushi in California was “tasteless, couldn’t retain moisture, and became brittle on cooling,” a said Anthony Al-Jamie. , editor-in-chief of the Japanese cultural magazine Tokyo Journal.

  • On Monday, a white subway passenger strangled Jordan Neely, a homeless black man, to death on a train and was released by police without being arrested. Community members staged a protest at a nearby Manhattan train station yesterday, and For InterceptAkela Lacy breaks down the violent racism, ableism and classism at work in the police response:

“Of course you’re going to have individuals who supplement each other, thinking that’s the answer,” said Adolfo Abreu, director of housing campaigns for Voices of Community Activists and Leaders. New York, or VOCAL-NY, a member-driven organization advocating for justice in housing, policing, and public health for poor and low-income people. “Because our leaders are saying, ‘Hey, there’s so much violence rampant and homelessness is a nuisance’ – and having armed police as your first interaction is the appropriate response.”

The New York Police Department’s response to Neely’s murder sends a dangerous message that anyone can get vigilante justice without consequences, Abreu said.

For others, the treatment of the 24-year-old showed how the police identified with the intervention against a homeless person. All of Neely’s medical and criminal history has been made public, but police will not release any information about the alleged assailant. “They’re acting like this Marine is a member of the force,” said Beth Haroules, director of disability justice litigation at the New York Civil Liberties Union, who testified in February before the New York City Council against Adams’ plan to forcibly hospitalize. mentally ill and get them off the subway.

  • Excited to listen to Charles’ coronation this Saturday? Neither did Hāmiora Bailey, a Maori artist who crafted a brilliant plug-in to interrupt the coronation moment of the future king and replace it with indigenous news, Tess McClure written for the Guardian:

The service, called Pikari Mai!, is a free-to-download plugin, and promises users the ability to “turn off the toff”. Produced with agency Colenso BBDO, it uses data scraping to scan web pages for words and images related to the Royal Family, then replaces them with stories related to Indigenous news produced by indigenous Maori media .

While King Charles III remains New Zealand’s ceremonial head of state, Maori have never ceded sovereignty to the crown. New Zealand continues to rely on a violent colonial legacy – for which the crown has issued a number of official apologies – including land confiscation, atrocities, aggressive warfare and unlawful arrests.

Latifa took a taxi to an area near the border, where she stopped a passing cyclist and persuaded him to sell her his bike. She continued to ride as the sun rose over the desert, until she reached a fence and cut the wire to squeeze through. When an army car pulled up next to her, she kept moving forward, but before she got far, men in camouflage gear jumped out and carried her away. back.

Latifa was taken to the police station, where she was greeted by a “toad” man who worked for her father. He took her home, where, she recalls, she was beaten until blood ran from her nose. Her mother looked on, she wrote, “She was dressed in a face full of makeup and frosty lilac lipstick like she was expecting my dad to visit.”

After the beatings were over, Latifa was put back in the car and driven to a desert prison. Inside, she was taken to a cell and told to take off her shoes. Then a guard held her down while another beat the soles of her feet with a heavy wooden cane. “He couldn’t have beaten me harder than he did,” she wrote in a detailed account of her imprisonment. The next torture session lasted five hours and left her unable to walk; she had to drag herself on the floor to drink from the tap next to the toilet. She put her broken feet back in her Skechers, hoping they would act like a cast, and slept with them. She was woken up by guards who dragged her out of bed for more beatings. (The sheikh’s lawyers deny abusing or imprisoning Latifa.)

And This:

Required reading is published every Thursday afternoon and includes a short list of art-related links to long-form articles, videos, blog posts or photo essays worth checking out.

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