Home Architect The 7 Best Bedroom Paint Colors According to Designers

The 7 Best Bedroom Paint Colors According to Designers

by godlove4241
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When it comes time to decide between the best bedroom paint colors, the rainbow of choices can be daunting. Light or dark? Hot or cold ? Timeless or trendy? Choose the right paint color is not always easy. Each room has different lighting requirements and conditions, and of course your personal preferences also play a role (and maybe even those of a partner, if you choose to sleep in the same room). Although it takes effort to find the right colordefinitely worth the time.

To help you choose the perfect shade, we asked seven interior designers which shades they think are the best bedroom paint colors. However, like Ester Bruzkus of Ester Bruzkus Architekten note “there is no easy answer to the question of what is the best wall color for a bedroom, because we always design for each space, its occupants and the environment.” So consider this list as a starting point rather than hard and fast rules. Below, ADVERTISEMENT brings together designers’ picks, which could help turn the bedroom into your new favorite spot.

1. Stone Pale Warm by Little Greene

Stone Pale Warm (#34) by Little Greene.

“I personally prefer calm earth tones in bedrooms, which create a soft light effect. According to the feng shui teachings, shades such as cream, beige, and tan help calm the mood and help you get a good night’s sleep. That’s why I avoid garish colors in the bedroom. I especially like to use warm pale stone by Little Greene. —Justin Howlett, interior designer at Euroboden

2. Come from Resource

Como OROC 41 Resource.

“When creating a color scheme for a bedroom, we first ask clients the basic question of whether they prefer a lighter, more soothing space, or want something more uplifting. For a less theatrical bedroom, we like to choose the beautiful cloudy blue Come of Resource. It is often associated with pale stone or bright yellow Aubusson layeron the ceiling (both are also from Resource).

We like Strong White 2001 from Farrow & Ball for the doors, and NCS S 1002 Y, a warm white from Caparol, for baseboards and windows. Together, these colors create a calming atmosphere and give the impression of being surrounded by clouds. —Gisbert Poppler, Gisbert Pöppler Architekten

3. Pontefract from the Paint and Paper Library

Pontefract from Paint & Paper Library.

“We first discuss color preferences with customers and then review options with them on site. In the bedroom, in particular, it’s important to consider space, materials, and light to determine what colors to use for bare walls, wallpaper, fabrics, and light fixtures. We generally use bold and dark tones; they have a calming effect and provide a sense of security. Some examples are Inchyre Blue, The Hague BlueAnd no blueall from Farrow & Ball, and the aubergine tone Pontefract from the paint and paper library. More daring customers like to choose the colors of blackberries, eggplant and red wine. To intensify the feeling of security, we usually paint the ceiling the same color as the walls. —Anna Gollwitzer, Dax I Architects

4. Ball Green by Farrow & Ball

Ball Green (#75) by Farrow & Ball.

“Bedrooms shouldn’t be too bright, but they shouldn’t be too dark either. It is best to look over the footboard on the greenery. Most people, of course, don’t have a view of nature from their bed with cabinets or a closet often in their way. Opt instead for green tones in bedrooms like green ball from Farrow & Ball. You can perfectly combine dark wood tones with it and create your own secret garden, even if you live in the middle of the big city. – Fabian Freytag, Fabien Freytag Studio

5. Pale Sienna Colors Le Corbusier

Pale Sienna by Les Couleurs Le Corbusier, produced under license by KABE Colours.

“My favorite color is Pale Sienna by Les Couleurs Le Corbusier. We painted our own bedroom this color, with a concrete ceiling, gray bed and white bedding. As the designer noted earlier, the perfect bedroom color, pink or otherwise, depends on the project. “For example, in our last apartment, we covered the floor, walls and ceiling with light oak panels. It also created a great atmosphere. —Ester Bruzkus, Ester Bruzkus Architekten

6. Bone China Blue by Little Greene

Bone China Blue by Little Greene.

“Blue is the perfect color for me in the bedroom, on all the walls and the ceiling. What could be more beautiful than waking up in the morning to a sea of ​​blue? The perfect shade is the matte blue of the sky very early in the morning – a light blue mixed with a bit of gray and a touch of morning mist – like Bone China Blue of Little Greene.”—Jan Hoyer, Interiors Hoyer & Kast

7. Little Greene’s Hicks Blue

Hicks Blue by Little Greene.

“We don’t really have a favorite color for the bedroom. In our experience, dark, rich, soothing colors tend to work, like Plaster installation by Farrow & Ball and Hicks blue by Little Greene. —Sina Gwosdzik, Jäll & Tofta

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