Home Arts New York Fairgrounds portal won’t return to Governors Island after clash with trust over event space

New York Fairgrounds portal won’t return to Governors Island after clash with trust over event space

by godlove4241
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Non-profit artist group 4heads, which runs the annual art fair and artist residency program Portal: Governors Island, will not be returning to the island this summer for the first time in 15 years after been unable to come to an agreement with the Trust for Governors Island on the amount of 4 head space to rent for the season.

Previously known as the Governors Island Art Fair, the “artists for artists” event began in 2008 and was one of the first arts organizations on the island. Each year, 4heads took advantage of the island’s historic spaces, especially the houses on Colonels Row, which were first built for generals in the US Army. Until 1996, the island was a military installation and only opened to the public in 2006.

“We are deeply saddened by the Trust’s decision not to invite us to Governors Island this summer, a particularly frustrating decision given the tremendous value our art fair has brought to the Trust over the past 15 years,” co-founders of 4heads Jack Robinson and Nicole Laemmle said in a statement. “In many ways, the island’s success as a summer destination has grown hand in hand with the success of our fair.”

A 4heads representative said that while the trust offered space for the band to hold an event on the island again, it was only offering outdoor spaces that did not match 4heads’ proposals, which outlined the residence needs of the group. artists and space for a fair.

“At some point, an offer to let a handful of artists create a few large-scale outdoor sculptures isn’t worth it to the artists themselves or to 4heads. It was very clear that TGI’s message was, “We don’t really want 4 heads back for 2023,” a rep said. The arts journal in a report.

A representative from Governors Island said that 4heads had applied for 5 houses on the island this season, which the trust could not meet with other groups’ growing demand for exhibition space on the island. This year, TGI received a record 40 applications, but only had 22 homes available. The trust has accepted 28 groups, some of which are only doing half a season.

The rep said 4heads had been offered space to continue their lineup and a chance to discuss alternatives, but the group declined to participate this year.

“We appreciate 4Heads’ history with the island and despite their choice not to present programs with us in 2023, we expressed that the door is open to respond to future calls and open opportunities,” said the door- word of Trust for Governors Island, Sarah Krautheim. in a report.

4heads is looking for an alternative space in New York to hold a fair that “continues to feature low entry fees and emphasizes showcasing a wide range of emerging and under-recognized artists. “, said the group.

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