Home Art-1 Libuša Němcová: A Journey from Dance to Canvas

Libuša Němcová: A Journey from Dance to Canvas

by godlove4241
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In the quaint town of Košice, Slovakia, a woman named Libuša Němcová found solace and self-discovery through the strokes of her paintbrush. Born and raised in Košice, Libuša’s artistic journey is a testament to the transformative power of passion and perseverance.

Life for Libuša, like for many adults, initially revolved around the practicalities of paying bills. She embarked on a career as a 24-hour home help worker abroad, a demanding job that left little room for the artistic pursuits she loved as a child. Despite a childhood fascination with drawing, the hustle and bustle of life pushed her artistic aspirations to the background.

However, life took a turn when Libuša entered her second marriage. It became a turning point that fueled her determination to fight for herself and her dreams. As her children, a son and a daughter, grew older, she found herself drawn back to the world of art.

In 2016, fate took her to Switzerland as a 24-hour home help worker. The breathtaking beauty of the Swiss nature and the majestic Alps captivated her soul. Inspired by the scenic landscapes, Libuša decided to reignite her passion for art. Armed with determination, she embarked on a journey of self-education, devouring videos and books about painting.

The pivotal moment came in 2019 when she applied for a course under the guidance of the esteemed artist Didier Le Mar at the Beautiful Art Gallery in Košice. Didier Le Mar recognized her skills, and Libuša began attending private lessons. Grateful for the opportunity, she delved into the world of oil painting, a medium that resonated deeply with her.

Libuša’s artistic exploration extended beyond landscapes; she delved into the intricacies of portraiture and techniques with pencil and carbon. Currently, she is engrossed in a course on advanced oil painting techniques.

Libuša’s art serves as a canvas for her emotions, capturing the beauty of nature and architecture, whether in Switzerland, her homeland Slovakia, or anywhere else on this vast planet. Her love for travel and photography culminated in several e-books detailing her adventures exploring Swiss castles.

The fruits of her labor have not gone unnoticed. Libuša has proudly showcased her creations in various exhibitions, both physical and virtual, earning recognition on an international scale. Notable among them are her solo exhibition in Gemeinde Lyssach, Switzerland, and virtual exhibitions in Athens, Berlin, Mallorca, and Dubai.

In March 2023, Libuša assumed the role of the chairman of the club K.S.V.B.A, the Club of Slovak artists Beautiful Art, a position that reflects her commitment to fostering the artistic community.

Libuša’s art is not confined to galleries alone; it lives vibrantly on her website, www.libusanemcovaart.com and www.libusanemcova.com. Here, her creations invite visitors to share in the emotions and experiences that define her artistic journey.

As Libuša continues to evolve as an artist, her spartan yet expressive style captures the essence of her subjects. Each stroke tells a story, each color reflects an emotion, and each exhibition becomes a milestone in her artistic odyssey.


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